Austin Lubetkin is a software engineer and artist on the autism spectrum based in Los Angeles, CA. Digital Art. IG: bocaaust
Ana Prundaru lives in Switzerland. Her work recently appeared in Faultline Journal, Sundog Lit and Up the Staircase Quarterly. IG: nomadingart. Portfolio: https://nomadingart.wordpress.com
Artisan Crafted Creator, J’Atelier9/J’A9 (@jatelier9) emerged after its Los Angeles based visionary founder, Janine Tang, began her movement towards a circular environment philosophy by sourcing recycled repurposed salvaged materials into her sustainable fine arts. J’A9 reshapes the transcendent beauty of innovative repurposing & upcycling.. allowing her art to become the unconventional vessel. She juxtaposes the dichotomy of consumerism against responsible adaptive reuses of materials and upcycling.
The winner of the 2022 Cider Press Review Book Award for Inheritance with a High Error Rate (January 2024), Jen Karetnick is the author of 10 additional poetry collections, including the chapbook What Forges Us Steel: The Judge Judy Poems (Alternating Current Press, July 2024). The co-founder and managing editor of SWWIM Every Day, she has forthcoming work in Atlanta Review, Bellevue Literary Review, Cimarron Review, Cold Mountain Review, Plume, Shenandoah, South Dakota Review, and Worcester Poetry Review. See jkaretnick.com. // IG: @JenKaretnick // X: @Kavetchnik // FB: JenKaretnick (author page) and Kavetchnik (personal)
Jeffrey Greene has published five poetry collections, a memoir, four nature books, and a book of mixed genre writing. The NEA, the Connecticut Commission on the Arts, and Rinehart Fund have supported his work, and he received the Morse Prize, the Jarrell Award, and the “Discovery”/ The Nation Award. https://jeffrey-greene.com
Henry Goldkamp lives in New Orleans, where they co-run The Splice Poetry Series, act as intermedia editor for Tilted House, and teach writing at Louisiana State University. Recent work appears in Indiana Review, Accelerants, Volt, Triquarterly, Bat City Review (winner of the 2022 Hybrid Prize), Afternoon Visitor, Tyger Quarterly, Figure 1, DIAGRAM, and Landfill. More at henrygoldkamp.com. // IG: @poetrysystems
Sheree La Puma is an award-winning writer whose work has appeared in The Penn Review, Redivider, Sugar House Review, The Maine Review, The Lascaux Review, Salt Hill Literary Journal, Stand Magazine, Rust + Moth, Mantis, and Catamaran Literary Reader, among others. She earned her MFA in writing from CalArts. Her poetry has been nominated for Best of The Net and three Pushcarts. A reader for the Orange Blossom Review, her latest chapbook, ‘Broken: Do Not Use’ is currently available at Main Street Rag Publishing. www.shereelapuma.com // IG: @shereewrites // X: @shereewrites // FB: Sheree La Puma
Josie Levin is a visual artist and writer whose work has appeared in several publications, including Kitchen Table Quarterly, Peatsmoke Journal, and Plainsongs Poetry Magazine. You can follow Josie on Instagram and Twitter: IG: @bemusual // X: @bemusual
Special Issue Editor In Chief
Cole Depuy is the winner of the 2023 Gulf Coast Journal Poetry Prize. His poetry has appeared in The Pinch, Hunger Mountain Review, Tipton Poetry Journal, Seneca Review & elsewhere. You can find him at coledepuy.com.
Web Editor
Hannah Carr-Murphy is the current EIC of Harpur Palate.